Exercise, Exercise, Exercise……Relieve that Stress!

Exercising can be great for a person that is real busy.  Especially when that person has a stressful life.  Exercise works to help alleviate the stress that is building up in a person.  When you spend 30 minutes to an hour on your body, you will end up feeling more energy and  less stressed!  It allows you to not really think about anything for that half hour to an hour. 

I have gotten into this routine of working from six in the morning until four thirty.  I get home and I work out with a Beachbody program for a half hour to an hour.  This gets scheduled every day.  Everyone in my family knows that this is my time and I’m there’s after this.  When you have your exercise routine set, it just makes the day a lot easier to get though.  Also, you won’t feel as disorganized and rushed.

Your friend,




Family Time is a Must!

Today’s blog is going to focus on family.  No matter how busy you are, you need to find time for your loved ones.  It’s easy to get your day jam packed with things to do.  Therefore, as I talked about in my previous post, make your daily schedule and find the time for your family.  I try to schedule time to eat dinner with my family every day, as well as time to play with the children.  You also are going to want to make sure to schedule time with your spouse if you have one.  There is nothing worse than working all day and having an unhappy marriage.  By taking the time to show everyone they are important and that you care, you are making sure everyone knows just how much you love and care about them.

Stay tuned to my next blog where I am going to start discussing the hour a day I spend on myself with exercise.  I’m currently doing a program called Body Beast and it is really a great stress reliever for a busy person like me!  🙂

Till next time,

Your friend,


Family Time is a Must!

Today’s blog is going to focus on family.  No matter how busy you are, you need to find time for your loved ones.  It’s easy to get your day jam packed with things to do.  Therefore, as I talked about in my previous post, make your daily schedule and find the time for your family.  I try to schedule time to eat dinner with my family every day, as well as time to play with the children.  You also are going to want to make sure to schedule time with your spouse if you have one.  There is nothing worse than working all day and having an unhappy marriage.  By taking the time to show everyone they are important and that you care, you are making sure everyone knows just how much you love and care about them.

Stay tuned to my next blog where I am going to start discussing the hour a day I spend on myself with exercise.  I’m currently doing a program called Body Beast and it is really a great stress reliever for a busy person like me!  🙂

Till next time,

Your friend,


Make a Schedule Every Day!

Todays tip for the busy person is to create a daily schedule of your activities planned for the next day.  If your a busy person like I am, it really will help you find ways to make time for everything.  This allows you to schedule time for your family, an exercise program, and even time with friends.  If you work a job or two, you can easily plug these times into your daily activities. 

Without a schedule, it will seem like you are always on the go without a real clear path of how to get things done.  I have found that this really helps me keep track of what I’m doing from day to day.  I work 50-60 hours a week, and have to find time to exercise and spend time with my wife/children.  This schedule also helps me to plug in time to blog and talk with friends. 

Of course there are always things that come up in a given day.  The nice thing about a schedule is that you can look at it and rearrange your schedule as necessary.  With a schedule right in front of you, you will feel less stressed and more organized!  🙂

Your friend,


Welcome to the “A Busy But Fit Life” blog!!

Hello everyone!  Welcome and thanks for taking the time to visit my blog.  I created this blog to go through my journey of keeping fit while also working 10-12 hours a day.  Besides this, I also am married with 3 children.  Yeah, pretty busy……but I do love my life.  I love making new friends and also love helping people to acheive their goals.  My main goal of this blog is to prove to you that anything is possible…..and I want to be the person that shows you how you can be happy while also having a busy life!!

This blog will not only go through what I’m doing to stay fit, but also discuss interesting topics that I come up with!  So, once again thanks for coming to my blog and please come back again.

Your friend,

Jeremiah Crafton